Scholarship information on the Legion website
Homer Dillard Post #78 Scholarship
The American Legion Home Dillard Post # 78 annuslly awards two one-time college scholarships in the amount of $500 to two high school seniors in the local area. The first will be in memory of Homer Dillard, (for whom the Post named). The second will be in memory of Talmadge Dixon, a Vietnam Veteran and originator of the Post #78 Scholarship program.
The scholarship will be paid in two disbursements, following proof of enrollment. The first payment of $250.00 will be rewarded at the beginning of the fall semester of the freshmen year and the final disbursement of $250.00 will be awarded at the beginning of the second semester of that freshmen year.
Qualifications of the applicant are:
- Applicant must be a resident of the Martinsville/Henry County area
- Applicant must demonstrate financial need.
- Applicant must possess a GPA of at leat 2.4 on a 4.0 scale.
- Applicant must attend a 4 year college or university, a vocational or technical school or a community college.
- Applicant must submit a complete application, with requested components by April 15 of their senior year.
Applications are available from each area High School Guidance Counselor.